Wrapping It Up
I almost finished the chest last night. I made a tray for my planes to sit in, and added runners on the inside sides of the box for the tray to slide on. I glued and nailed the bottom on. I got my cut nails and they seemed to work great. I pre-drilled the holes and aligned the nails so the wide sides ran parrallel to the grain. I didn't get any splitting. When I made the lid, I attached the battens by hammering the nails about a 1/4 inch through and turned the lid over and bent them over, then finished driving the nails from the pother side, turned it over again and hammered the bent bit down into the wood like a staple. I glued everything as well for good measure. I ended up using a piece of 1/2 inch Birch plywood for the lid panel, since I messed up and needed it thinner than I planned initially.Here is the locking pin being slid out to allow the lid to slide forward.
With the pin removed, the lid slides to the right, freeing the left side.
This shows the gap left by sliding the lid to the right, allowing it to be lifted out on the left end.
The tray slides left and right to allow access to the bottom of the chest.
I might have one more post on the chest after I add finish. I might add the cross batten piece to the lid to make the Z pattern but I don't think it is needed.